Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Asking For It

While on Nantucket, my son and I read "The Hunger Games." No spoilers, so feel free to continue on. The main character in the book forces herself to do things she doesn't want to do. I smiled when I read the part of the book where she does this, because this is something I do, too. "Susie," I will tell myself inside my head, "go do this. Go do that."

For me, when I start to incorporate something new in my life, I have to kind of make myself do it. Then as time goes on, it gets easier and soon it's as natural as breathing. Then I look back at my old behavior and think, "Who was that girl?"

I've told you that I have begun to ask for what I want or need. So far, every answer has been yes. I know that in time, as I grow in this new behavior, I will be told no. That will be all right. A no will not stop me from asking the next time.

Last week I asked for what I wanted, and I got it. And I got more! I was shocked, because my greatest hope was that I would get a yes. I never expected to get more than I asked for. When it happened, I really didn't even understand what had taken place. It wasn't until the next morning, when I was sitting on our beautiful yellow sofa drinking my morning coffee, that the gravity of what had taken place hit me. I got more! I started to cry a little at that most wonderful surprise.


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